LMP, Italian company that has thirty years’ experience in precision machining and thanks to their CNC machines they offer machining services such as: turning, milling, lapping, broaching, toothing, tapping, grinding, drilling and boring.
LMP’s pieces range from pulleys and toothed pulleys to gears, pins, shafts, etc.
LMP also offers galvanic treatments (e.g. chromium plating, nickel plating, zinc coating, phosphatising and passivation) and heat treatments such as gas and salt bath nitriding, case-hardening, carbonitriding, and hardening.
Lmp is in possession of 16 days and 7 work centers with various dimensions and characteristics. It also has a three-dimensional control machine in production line and a balancing machine.
The raw materials they can machine are all types of steel (including stainless steel), cast iron, brass, bronze, aluminium, plastics and technopolymers.
The main sectors are the automotive, machinery and furnishing components, but also supplies products for hydraulic fittings, electric and pneumatic motors, shipbuilding, hydraulics, etc.
The Lmp – lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.
Bigthree offers Kämper our services in Italy:- Analysis of our clients’ needs
- Strategic marketing consulting
- Technical support and planning new product development
- Pre- and after sales support for technical and/or quality issues
- Targeted contacts with Technology, Methods, Logistics And Quality offices
- Research and benchmarking on products and markets
- Complete management of
- Management and verification of company rating/solvency
- Delivery schedules, sample and series production, order and supplier management
- Verification of compliance with payment terms
- Logistics and production cost consulting
- Supplier sourcing for our clients
- Sales office creation and management
For further information http://www.lmp-aviano.it/it
Aviano (Pordenone) – ITALIA