Kämper is a Germany company specializing in wire forming. They produce bent pieces with/without fasteners, such as U-bolts, thanks to their CNC machines.
This company also offers additional heat, surface treatments and mechanical machining processes, such as straightening, bending, pressing, upsetting, necking, thread rolling, milling, chamfering, assembly and welding.
Kämper machines stainless steel, steel up to strength class 12.9 and non-ferrous metals with wire diameters from 2 to 10 mm and feeding lengths up to 2000 mm.
They specialize in the automotive industry, but they also supply their pieces to following sectors: motor construction, electro-electronic industry, metrology etc.
Kämper is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and ISO TS 16949:2009.
Bigthree offers Kämper our services in Italy:
- Analysis of our clients’ needs
- Strategic marketing consulting
- Technical support and planning new product development
- Pre- and after sales support for technical and/or quality issues
- Targeted contacts with Technology, Methods, Logistics And Quality offices
- Research and benchmarking on products and markets
- Complete management of
- Management and verification of company rating/solvency
- Delivery schedules, sample and series production, order and supplier management
- Verification of compliance with payment terms
- Logistics and production cost consulting
- Supplier sourcing for our clients
- Sales office creation and management
For further information www.kaemper.de
Lüdenscheid – GERMANY