Delivery schedule, sample, series production, order and supplier management

Technical, sales support TurinBigthree can help you with order and supplier management. The orders you receive are analyzed in all respects in order to ensure their compliance with your quotation. Bigthree can then supply you with the support you need for your relations with the suppliers that we have previously contacted. We also ensure the compliance with the delivery time.

Furthermore Bigthree can be instrumental in helping you to determine and choose the most suitable packaging for your product in the event of particular requests from your customers.

We obviously verify the compliance of the customer’s schedule with the previously-agreed quantity and delivery terms. We also help you to keep your scheduling under control, from the samples to the series production.

These services result in time optimization and cost reduction, saving the company time and money, which can be spent improving production effectiveness and further development.


Bigthree offre questi servizi a piccole, medie e grandi imprese in particolare del settore dei componenti automotive (es. automobili, motocicli, veicoli commerciali leggeri e pesanti), macchine movimentazione terra, macchine agricole, ecc.

Siamo specializzati nella promozione e consulenza commerciale di componenti automotive di diversi materiali quali, acciaio (es. inox, al carbonio, legati), alluminio, ghisa, materiali non ferrosi, plastica, titanio.

Perché scegliere Bigthree:

  • pluriennale esperienza nel settore componenti automotive
  • approfondita conoscenza del settore commerciale e marketing
  • comprovata esperienza tecnica
  • interfaccia completa tra la società rappresentata e il cliente
  • opportunità di creazione e sviluppo del reparto commerciale della vostra azienda
  • vicinanza alle sedi produttive e agli uffici tecnici e acquisti FCA – EMEA per i marchi Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Fiat, Jeep, Lancia e Maserati